Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wanting to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. If reading the words Merry Christmas offends you, my only advice is to get over it. I am a Christian and Christmas is a Christian holiday so deal with it. If you are not a professing Christian, then why do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Hanukkah and not profess to be Jewish, or how about celebrating Ramadan (sp?) even though you aren't Muslim? The real reason for Christmas is a celbration and rememberance of Christ's birth; when the Son of God left his heavenly home and came to earth as a man for the sole purpose of dying for OUR sins so that we may spend eternity in heaven with Him. So why do we exchange gifts? The gifts are symbolic of God's gift to mankind in that He gave His only Son as the perfect sacrifice for OUR sins. We really DON'T have to exchange gifts at Christmas, but do you really want to die for someone else? Just a thought.