Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Things are a little slow on the homefront now, what with no plants to collect and deer season just getting started. So, if by chance, anyone is following this blog, don't expect alot of posts until spring when collecting season starts. However, I will relate interesting snippets that wander through my fevered brain, so keep checking back. I'll just end this one by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and reminding you that everyday can be Thanksgiving -- all you have to do is stop and think of at least one thing that you are thankful for. Right now, I'm thankful that this is still a country of freedom; where we are free to do whatever we feel like so long as it doesn't infringe upon the freedoms of others (but don't just take my word for it, go read or re-read the Declaration of Independence -- the first paragraph should suffice)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Black Wednesday

If ignorance is bliss, then there are alot of happy idiots in this country today after the election yesterday. The majority of those that voted for the winner of the election have NO CLUE!! what the man's agendas are; they only saw skin color -- now who's the racist?